DSOK Spotlight: The Magnesses

By Debbie Magness

Every year, when December rolls around, I feel like it is a good time to reflect back and think about all of the blessings in my life.

We have five children. Our 4th child, who is now 24 years old, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes almost 20 years ago. I have always wondered why people say that they are grateful when a challenging circumstance enters their life. Now, I know.

I remember the day she was diagnosed. I remember feeling overwhelmed by all of the emotions and all the information. I remember looking at her tiny body and wondering if she would ever get to have a normal life.

Now, I look back on those days and I wouldn’t change them for anything! It was not always easy, and we definitely had our interesting moments with type 1, but now I see clearly how our family has been blessed!

We made it our mission to get healthy together, to cook and eat together as a family and everyone helped out in their own individual ways. I think it made us more compassionate people; not taking life for granted.

My daughter has grown into a beautiful young woman, wife, and mother now. It makes me smile when I think about how I worried and wondered if she would have a normal life. Her love for life is grand and certainly contagious!!

If you are being challenged by type 1 diabetes, try to focus on the positive steps you take instead of the negative. I often think back on the wise words of Dr. Domek, “It’s all going to be okay!”