You are not required by law to complete this questionnaire. However, we ask that you share this information with us for your safety & protection in the event of an emergency. Staff Health Form Name* First Last Are you allergic to any medication? Yes No If so please explain.Date of last tetanus? MM slash DD slash YYYY Any chronic illness NOT including diabetes? Yes No If so please explain.Are you or could you be pregnant? Yes No If so please explain.Do you have an injury or health concern that would not allow you to perform your duties at camp? Yes No If so please explain.Do you have diabetes? Yes No If so, what type of insulin do you use?Do you use a pump/pod? Yes No If so, name of pump?If you have diabetes, please upload the completed & signed physician form that was sent via email.Max. file size: 32 MB.Select one of the following concerning medications you are currently taking: I do not take any routine medication I do not wish to disclose medications I may or may not be taking as they do not interfere with my abilities and are not life saving medications I am listing my medications below List of medicationsList or describe any additional medical information that we should know about youAuthorization for medical treatment, if you are under 18 this must be checked by your parent or guardian I agree to the followingI acknowledge this health history is correct so far as I know and then believe I am able to engage in all camp activities except as noted. In the event I am unable to speak for myself during an emergency, I hereby authorize the physician selected by the camp designated director(s) to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order and administer : medications, injections, anesthesia, blood and blood products, or surgery for me.