Camp Endres Senior Camp
Starting in 2025, the age for Camp Endres Senior is changing to 13 - 17. If your camper will be 18 in 2025 AND attended Camp Endres Sr 2024, they will be eligible to come to Camp Endres Sr 2025. Campers who will be 13 in 2025 will have the option to attend Camp Endres Senior or Camp Endres Junior.
Please email the Camp Endres Camp Director, Cada Johnson, for more information or questions.
Why we exist.
We know that being a teenager is hard and adding type 1 diabetes into the mix makes it even tougher. You should never feel like you are battling this alone, so here at Camp Endres Senior, we make it our mission to create a family-like atmosphere to support each other in the daily struggle of type 1 diabetes.
Are you new to Camp Endres? If so, read some testimonies below from a few of our returning campers to see what impact Camp Endres makes on the life of a teen with T1D. See you this summer!

What we do.
We get the question a lot, "What do you do at diabetes camp? Just talk about carbs and insulin all day?". The answer is absolutely not! While we do have daily education sessions to further educate our campers about type 1 diabetes, we do lots of other activities like any other summer camp. We have activities like a talent show, color wars, zip-lining, rock climbing and even a giant dance party at the end of the week with our beloved DJ Ikoniq. If you would like more information on what we do at Camp Endres Senior, please email

"Camp Endres has saved my life. I have made life long friends who know exactly what I am going through. Thank you for giving me my life back and giving me hope."

"Shortly after my first day of camp I realized that being different wasn't that bad as long as there were other people being different with me. Home isn't where you live, it's where you feel the most comfortable & Camp Endres is my Home."

"Words can't express how grateful I am to Camp Endres for uniting me with my best friends and some of the most incredible people I've ever met."